Getting Started


To install the plugin simply do:

$ yarn add vue-rest

# OR

$ npm install vue-rest

Adding to your project

To add to your project, import it and the use Vue.use(VueRest) to properly use it.

Optionally you can add axiosOptions that is responsible for any options related to axios

import VueRest from 'vue-rest';

Vue.use(VueRest, {
  axiosOptions: {
    baseURL: 'http://localhost/api/',

Using ApiForm and ApiList

These two mixins implements some methods, props and data to your component, to use them, do:

import { ApiForm } from 'vue-rest';

export default {
  mixins: [ApiForm]
import { ApiList } from 'vue-rest';

export default {
  mixins: [ApiList]