


The ApiForm is responsible for implementing the methods for API requesting that usually a form does.

It requires a route prop and, for convenience, can handle two others props objId and obj. Both props are handled in mixin's created() hook, and the obj sets the requestObj data to its value and the objId loads a new instance of a object to requestObj returned from API in the load() method.

See: Vue Lifecycle Hooks


The following methods are implemented through this mixin:

load(id, errCallback):

  • Params: id, errCallback

  • Functionality: It does a GET request to the given route /id and loads the response.data to the requestObj data.

save(callback, errCallback):

  • Params: callback, errCallback
  • Functionality: It passes the received callback and errCallback to one of the following methods:
    • If the requestObj has an id (requestObj.id):
      • update(callback, errCallback):
        • Params: callback, errCallback
        • Functionality: It uses the $api prototype to do a PATCH requests using the given route and passing the requestObj as payload, passing the success response to the callback function and if there's any error it passes the it to the errCallback function.
    • Otherwise:
      • create(callback, errCallback):
        • Params: callback, errCallback
        • Functionality: It does the same thing as the update method but instead of a PATCH it does a POST to the API.`

Using it

Note that you need to pass a route prop or override the prop as:

route: { required: false, default: 'your-route' }

    <form @submit.prevent="save(showOk, showErr)">
        <input v-model="requestObj.firstName"/>
        <input v-model="requestObj.lastName"/>
        <button type="submit">

import { ApiForm } from 'vue-rest'

export default {
    name: 'personForm',
    mixins: [ApiForm],
    methods: {
        showOk(res) {
            alert('Sucessfully saved')
        showErr(err) {
            alert(`An error ocurred: ${err}`)



The ApiList is responsible for implementing a route mandatory prop and the three following methods to load and handle list actions:


loadList(callback, errCallback):

  • Params: callback, errCallback
  • Functionality: It uses $api prototype to do a GET request in the given route and pass the response for the callback function if the response was successfully made, otherwise passes the error to the errCallback function.

deleteObj(objId, callback, errCallback):

  • Params: objId, callback, errCallback
  • Functionality: It uses $api prototype to do a DELETE request in the given route concatenated with the objIdand passes the response for the callback function if the response was successfully made, then it emits a delete event with the objId.


  • Params: obj
  • Functionality: It just emits an edit event with the given obj in its value.

Note: You should probably handle the emitted value to pass to a ApiForm instance

Using it

        <li v-for="p in people" :key="p.id">
            {{ p.firstName }} {{ p.lastName }}

import { ApiList } from 'vue-rest'

export default {
    name: 'peopleList',
    mixins: [ApiList],
    data() {
        return {
            people: [],
    created() {
        this.loadList(this.loadPeople, this.showErr)
    methods: {
        loadPeople(res) {
            this.people = [...res.data.results]
        showErr(err) {
            alert(`An error ocurred ${err}`)
